Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rethunk Junk Painting Project

Project to-do lists.....are your lists as long as mine?  I have good intentions but a lot of my projects get put on the back burner because life takes over.  Sound familiar? For example, I bought a wooden high chair for my fifth child around 6 years ago, with the intention of painting it.  

I had a pretty good excuse in my last home not to paint it.  My floors were travertine and my cabinets were distressed off-white.  The chair stood out against those colors.  But in my new home there is a whole lotta brown going on.  This chair might as well be on a secret military mission for how well it is camouflaged in its surroundings.  After a year of living with it I had to paint it. 

It's a brand new, fabulous chair!!  And it was beyond simple to change the color.  I have found so much success in painting by using chalk paint.  I found a recipe on pinterest and it has worked so well for me. It covers well and lasts with 5 kids in the house.  But I was having issues with the waxing step.  I use Minwax wax and it was covering well, but turning my lighter colored projects yellow.  I was getting frustrated.  But.....there is a store in Midway, Utah called All That Stuff In The Barn.  They carry country type accents, clocks, picture frames....all my favorite kinds of things!!  (It's really quite hard not to shop knowing this store is just around the corner!)  And they also carry a type of paint made by Rethunk Junk that is similar to chalk paint, but I feel that it goes on smoother and doesn't have a texture like the chalk paint.  

There are three steps in the Rethunk Junk paint system.  The Prep cleans off all of the gunk and whatever finish was on the surface, the paint (comes in several colors), and then the sealer.  I love the sealer!!  It is so much easier to apply than wax.  It dries quickly and leaves a colorless, smooth texture.  

I sprayed the Prep solution on, waited 30 seconds and then wiped it clean with a towel.  I then applied two coats of Seaside paint to my chair.  I let it sit about an hour and then sanded the edges to give it a vintage feel. Then I applied the sealer with a brush. 

 I LOVE the way it turned out!!  I love the color, the texture, and the sheen it has to it.  It's not too shiny, but not quite flat either.

 It's not camouflaged with the floor anymore.  Yay!!!!! I can see it!

 I love the color and it adds so much to my kitchen when it is next to my brown table and brown floors.  My kitchen table has the same problem that this chair did...it's brown and so is the floor.  There is no contrast.  My next project is to paint the table and chairs, not blue, but a color other then brown.  I can't wait to share that with you!!

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